Know What To Say

Today the following, quite frankly, disturbing news appeared on my social media feed:

Harrow schoolboy died from single punch after telling club promoter: ‘You’ll work for me one day’

It not only demonstrates the power of words to ignite emotions but is also an example of how a chain of events can have an effect on one’s life. Sadly, with a fatal end this time.

We can definitely learn from this case. If such a line is so powerful to lead to one’s death, could we invert the meaning somehow to make things work in our favour instead? I think we can.

Next time a patient is worried about the dental treatment they are going to have, you can say:

‘Don’t worry, we will do the work for you’ or

‘I will do the work for you’.

Someone said that it is better to serve than to be served. Who knows, this phrase might just save your life.